unq_design kullanıcısının son içeriği

  1. unq_design

    Minimap Discord Butonu

    Awesome, thank you for the post. Tip: if you can and want, you can change a little bit the design of the button, to be more visible on the mini-map. Good day!
  2. unq_design

    [FREE] ZETARA - PSD Logo Design

    Thank you, hope this logo will help some people ✌️
  3. unq_design

    [FREE] ZETARA - PSD Logo Design

    Hello guys So I decided to offer this Logo Design for FREE as an appreciation. :!: Selling is prohibited . :!: If you ever need a designer for your project, You can contact me at: @unq_design <b>[Gizli içerik]</b>
  4. unq_design

    Sohbet mesajı

    no english lang?
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